Your Twin Soul Journey
If you want the fairytale romance + a partner who helps you create a deep spiritual connection with your higher power, you might be looking for your twin soul. Sometimes called a twin flame or soulmate, your twin soul is someone who is your perfect mirror and perfect match at the same time, who aides you in improving yourself and doing your spiritual work.
Podcasting since 2020 • 80 episodes
Your Twin Soul Journey
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Exclusive: Your Twin Soul Journey Book
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How the Twin Soul Mirror Works Once You Are in Union
In union, the twin soul mirror can be a little... confusing. I break it down here. Get the books: http://cardreadingqueen.com/books
Season 1
Episode 77

Why You Have to Heal to Get Your Twin Flame (Are Twin Flames Real?! Part 4 of 4)
Why healing brings your twin flame closer and how both religion and science have had the right idea around this for centuries. Get the books: http://cardreadingqueen.com/books
Season 1
Episode 76

How Divine Order Works With Twin Flames (Are Twin Flames Real?! Part 3 of 4)
Divine Order is possibly the MOST important and LEAST talked about concept on the twin soul journey! Listen up... Get the books: http://cardreadingqueen.com/books
Season 1
Episode 75

The 5 Universal Laws that Form the Foundation of how Twin Flames Work (Are Twin Flames Real?! Part 2 of 4)
There are 5 Laws of the Universe that help explain how we know what we know about twin flames/twin souls. Going deeper into the question, "Are twin flames real?!" Get the books: http://cardreadingq...
Season 1
Episode 74